Climate and Health

Empirically-derived thresholds of precipitation, temperature and relative humidity are used to assess the climatic suitability of malaria transmission. The interactive map initially displays the number of months during the year when climatological averages meet these requirements. Users may gain insight into how often these conditions have actually occurred during any particular month by clicking on the map at the location of interest.

This map shows the number of months suitable for malaria transmission, based on climatological averages. Suitability is defined as the coincidence of precipitation accumulation greater than 80 mm, mean temperature between 18°C and 32°C, and relative humidity greater than 60%.
This plot shows the time series of 12-month Weighted Anomaly Standardization Precipitation (WASP) index relative to a baseline period. The purpose of this tool is to provide a simple visual means of relating averaged precipitation to a reference period of interest.