Ethiopia WASPqueries tables

Choose the variable you would like a table from: Country-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASP Baseline Country-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASP country the_geom District-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASP Baseline District-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASP districtquery District info the_geom Province-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASP Baseline Province-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASP provincequery Province info the_geom ,
or complete versions of the following table are available here.
Country-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASPcountryDistrict infoProvince info
-1.348186EthiopiaAfar_FiveAddis Ababa
-1.334394EthiopiaAfar_FiveAddis Ababa
-1.336226EthiopiaAfar_FiveAddis Ababa
-1.154404EthiopiaAfar_FiveAddis Ababa
-0.1574588EthiopiaAfar_FiveAddis Ababa
Entries 1 to 5 of 230681