served from

Ethiopia WASPqueries districtquery

Ethiopia WASPqueries districtquery.


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

Ethiopia WASPqueries districtquery district[ | dist_na]
Ethiopia WASPqueries districtquery the_geom[ | dist_na]

Independent Variables (Grids)

dist_na grid: /dist_na (ids) unordered [ (Afar_Five) (Afar_Four) (Afar_One) (Afar_Three) (Afar_Two) (Afder) (Agew) (Amaro) (Arsi) (Assosa) (Bale) (Bebieg) (Bench) (Borena) (Burji) (Central) (Degehabur) (Derashi) (East) (East Gojjam) (East Harerghe) (East Shewa) (East Wellega) (Fike) (Gambela_Four) (Gambela_One) (Gambela_Three) (Gambela_Two) (Gedio) (Gode) (Gurage) (Hadiya) (Illubabor) (Jijiga) (Jima) (K.A.T.) (Kebridehar) (Keficho) (Kemashi) (Konso) (Liben) (Maji) (Metekel) (N.A.) (N.A.) (N.A.) (North Gonder) (North Omo) (North Shewa) (North Wello) (North West Shewa) (Oromiya) (Shekicho) (Shenile) (Sidama) (South) (South Gondar) (South Omo) (South Wello) (Wag Hemra) (Warder) (West) (West Gojam) (West Harerghe) (West Shewa) (West Wellega) (Yem)] :grid

Last updated: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:17:09 GMT

Data Views

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